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JackDan Nursery Wholesale Plants

Succulents & INDOOR PLANTS

Outdoor & Container Plants

Exotics & Specialties

About JackDan Nursery

JACKDAN NURSERY is a family-owned, family-run business located on property that was once home to grandparents Jack and Babs Moran. A Liberty County native, Jack left Bristol to become an Air Force Medic, then ParaRescue trooper who proudly served his country all over the world. While honoring the PJ motto, “That Others May Live,” Jack received numerous medals and commendations throughout his career. He served bravely in Vietnam and had tours of duty in Korea, Guam, Azores and England, finally retiring from service at Tyndall Air Force Base. 

Named in his honor, JACKDAN Nursery is operated by his three grandsons – Daniel, Sam and Paul Moran, who maintain, grow, and ship a unique variety of plants to wholesalers and buyers throughout the country.

Biodiverse Liberty County

JackDan Nursery sits in a unique geographic location in Liberty County, Florida. Bristol is adjacent to the Apalachicola Bluffs and Ravines Preserve – more than 1,000 acres protected by the Nature Conservancy. The unusual geologic features along the Apalachicola River provide refuge for rare and imperiled plants and animals—some found nowhere else on Earth, making this region one of five biodiversity hotspots in North America. 

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